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Check back here regularly for news and updates relevant to the work undertaken by The Advocate's Gateway. Please contact us if you would like to advertise any relevant information for our site visitors here.
6 November 2024
A case study on public inquiry engagement with vulnerable witnesses
On 1 November 2024, The Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly (NILQ) published the case study on Muckamore Abbey Hospital Inquiry (MAHI) engagement with vulnerable witnesses on an Open Access basis.
The Case Study, written by Dr Emma Ireton and Christopher Ratcliffe, of Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, offers detailed insight into the key considerations, adjustments made, and support provided by the Inquiry, and how it seeks to put the needs and interests of vulnerable participants at the heart of its process.
The Case Study is cited as:
Emma Ireton and Christopher Ratcliffe, 'A case study on public inquiry engagement with vulnerable witnesses and on putting participants at the heart of the public inquiry process: insights from the Muckamore Abbey Hospital Inquiry' (2024) 75 NILQ.
The Case Study can be accessed HERE.
17 September 2024
Voicing Loss research on coroners’ inquests
The Advocate's Gateway (TAG) is proud to share the results of the Voicing Loss project: an ESRC-funded study on bereaved people's experiences of the coroner service.
n June, Voicing Loss published many of the findings of the research via a dedicated project website. The outputs available here include policy and practice briefings, an Expert Insights blog, information for the general public, and research reports. The focus of the practice briefings, in particular, is on ways of supporting and facilitating participation of bereaved people through the coronial process. TAG is delighted to share the these findings and consider them to be pivotal to the work that TAG does in providing guidance to practitioners when dealing with vulnerable persons in the justice system.
By way of summary of the Voicing Loss research:
Research by Birkbeck, University of London, and the University of Bath recently examined the role of bereaved people in coroners’ inquests. The Voicing Loss study entailed interviews with 89 individuals who had experienced the coronial process following the death of someone they were close to. Coronial professionals (including coroners, lawyers, coroners’ officers and others) and witnesses were also interviewed. It is the largest ever empirical investigation of lay and professional experiences of the coronial process in England and Wales.
Government and successive Chief Coroners have frequently reiterated that the bereaved should be ‘at the heart’ of the coroner service. However, most of the Voicing Loss bereaved interviewees reported that they had encountered barriers to participation in the coronial process and often felt far from its ‘heart’. Many aspects were experienced as daunting, confusing and alienating. They felt marginalised and powerless, especially during longer inquest hearings at which multiple professionals, all with legal representatives, were present.
Among outputs of Voicing Loss are a series of Principles for Practice papers for professionals and practitioners in the coronial sector, on the themes of ‘Information and communication’, ‘Quality of interactions at inquest hearings’, and ‘Respecting and including the deceased person’. These papers identify good practice principles for supporting bereaved people’s participation in the coronial process, and ensuring that humanity is central to it operation.
The Principles for Practice papers and other project outputs are available at the Voicing Loss website:
8 April 2024
Publication of Updated and Revised Toolkit 1A
The Advocate's Gateway (TAG), is delighted to announce the publication of updated and revised Toolkit 1A
Toolkit 1A is concerned with case management in criminal cases involving vulnerable witnesses and defendants
We at TAG would like to extend our thanks to HHJ Rosina Cottage KC, and Gillian Jones KC and Felicia Davy from Red Lion Chambers for updating Toolkit 1A.
Click the following link to access Toolkit 1A. You can access all of TAGs Toolkits HERE.
9 March 2024
Publication of Updated and Revised Toolkits
The Advocate's Gateway (TAG), are delighted to announce the publication of updated and revised Toolkits 1 and 8.
Toolkit 1 is concerned with Ground Rules Hearings and the fair treatment of vulnerable people in court.
Toolkit 8 is concerned with the effective participation of young defendants.
We at TAG would like to extend our thanks to the team from the Criminal Bar Association and to Paul Jarvis of KBW Chambers for their work in updating Toolkits 1 and 8 respectively.
Click the following links to access Toolkit 1 and Toolkit 8. You can access all of TAGs Toolkits HERE.
13 September 2023
TAG is seeking a new Chair
In June 2023, Professor Penny Cooper, stood down as the Chair of The Advocate's Gateway to pursue new challenges and to continue her pivotal research into vulnerable witnesses. Penny acted as the Chair of TAG for over ten years and had this to say upon her departure:
"Chairing The Advocate’s Gateway since inception in 2012 has been a great privilege as has working with many highly motivated experts and the phenomenal Management Committee. I look forward to supporting and promoting ‘TAG' as it continues to play a big part in building a fairer justice system. Thank you to everyone who has supported me."
Professor Penny Cooper
The Management Committee of The Advocate’s Gateway (TAG) expresses its enormous thanks to Professor Penny Cooper for all the inspiration, hard work, and leadership she has provided since TAG was founded. TAG, fortunately, will benefit from Penny’s continued support as it embarks on its next exciting decade. TAG relies upon the support of committed volunteers and if you would like to participate in such an important part of the justice system please do get in touch via TAG’s website.
TAG is now seeking a new Chair. We invite any interested party to contact us via for an informal discussion.
Our vision on the future of The Advocate's Gateway
The evolution of The Advocate’s Gateway (TAG)
TAG is a not-for-profit entity which is run by volunteers who are committed to improving access to justice globally.
As TAG approaches its 10 year anniversary in 2022 a lot has changed in relation to the questioning and treatment of vulnerable individuals within the justice system in England and Wales. There is always further work and improvement needed as experience and research grows and the Management Committee has determined that similarly TAG needs itself to evolve. One of the drivers of this is that the toolkits which TAG developed, initially with the focus on assisting advocates within the criminal justice system in England and Wales, have been used by judges and police officers, have been adopted in other legal areas including the family and civil courts, and been referred to and used in other jurisdictions e.g. Scotland, Australia, Norway and more.
Therefore the decision has been taken to take two phased steps in relation to the toolkits:
Phase 1 - the toolkits will be revised to retain the important and relevant information required to assist when dealing with different vulnerabilities but will be less jurisdiction specific both in terms of the type of law and geography. An example pilot toolkit for planning to question someone with a learning disability will shortly be added to the website, whilst retaining the previous toolkit for comparison.
Phase 2 - new toolkits will be added, covering other forms of vulnerability and all of the existing toolkits will go through a process of updating and revision to ensure that they continue to provide up-to-date best practice guidance.
The Management Committee encourages feedback both on the general approach that is being adopted but specifically on the pilot toolkit. The Management Committee also encourages everyone who visits the site to contact TAG with any resources or cases, from whichever area of law or anywhere in the world, which visitors to TAG may find of benefit. TAG will then review these and those which are considered relevant and appropriate will then be added to the ‘Resources’ section of the TAG website.
Should any individuals or organisations wish to support this evolution of TAG by means of donations or contributions then please contact us via the link on the website.
The Toolkits are copyrighted materials.
Please refer to the terms of use.