Useful Links
Useful Links

The Advocate’s Gateway includes a list of publications and other resources relevant to responses to vulnerable witnesses and defendants. This information is not a substitute for obtaining appropriate legal advice nor is it a substitute for thorough legal research. Use the following links to navigate the resources.
Penny Cooper and Linda Hunting (eds), Access to Justice for Vulnerable People (Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing 2016).
Penny Cooper and Heather Norton, Vulnerable People and the Criminal Justice System: A Guide to Law and Practice (OUP 2017).
Penny Cooper and Linda Hunting (eds), Addressing Vulnerability in Justice Systems (Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing 2016).
Useful Links
Training Resources
Communication and Participation in the Court of Protection
Making Values Matter in the Court of Protection
Making Values Matter in the Court of Protection aims to improve Court of Protection lawyers’ and judges’ understanding of the meaning and role of values in decision making. The film aims to increase lawyers’ knowledge about how to identify values and incorporate them into decision making; and demonstrate examples of good practice when lawyers communicate with a person and their family to explore and discuss their values.
The creation of this second, highly valuable resource for specialist lawyers was enabled through a Research England Policy Support Fund grant at the University of Bristol, and co-produced with the leading charity, VoiceAbility, which provides advocacy for people with a learning disability and/or autism.
Communication and Participation in the Court of Protection is a film to help lawyers better understand the perspective of people with autism/learning disability and improve how they plan for meetings. Using role-plays and roundtables with lawyers and people with learning disability and autism, the film shows lawyers how to enhance communication and achieve better quality evidence for the court.
The Judging Values and Participation in Mental Capacity Law project team which created this film involves researchers from Birkbeck College, University of Bristol, and University of Oxford; they worked in association with leading charity VoiceAbility.
"A Question of Practice"
Questioning Young and/or Vulnerable Witnesses
The CBA has project-led the production of a short film on the questioning of young and/or vulnerable witnesses and defendants. Using court-room demonstrations and interviews with practitioners and judges, the film shows how prosecution and defence advocates can adapt their questioning of these witnesses so that it is developmentally appropriate. It also explores the circumstances in which the judge may decide that an advocate need not ‘put his case’ to the witness and alternative ways in which challenges to the witness’s evidence can be made.
Click on the image to be redirected to the A Question of Practice video.
At present, the CBA no longer appears to be hosting the video. You may wish to contact the CBA directly should you wish to access it.
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