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The Advocate's Gateway - Management Committee

The Advocate's Gateway (TAG) is managed by its Management Committee. 

"Although great improvements have been achieved in recent years in the treatment of vulnerable witnesses and defendants, TAG and the Toolkits continue to provide a quite stunning resource for the judiciary and practitioners"

Fulford LJ,

Vice President of the Court of Appeal

(Criminal Division) 2019-2022

Referenced on numerous occasions within the Equal Treatment Bench Book 2021, TAGs Toolkits are cited by the Judicial College as "Extremely practical and helpful"

Equal Treatment Bench Book

"The Advocate’s Gateway (TAG) and its toolkits have been an invaluable resource for everyone working in the justice system. By using the toolkits practitioners can enable vulnerable witnesses and children to fairly participate in proceedings. In particular they keep advocates focussed on the best way to assist vulnerable witnesses to communicate with the court.”

Deborah Piccos,

Chair - The Solicitors' Association of Higher Court Advocates (SAHCA) 2020-2022

"TAG and its treasure trove of toolkits, examples of good practice and links to source material provide clear and insightful guidance for any advocate who needs to examine victims, witnesses or defendants with vulnerabilities, as well as for any judge who manages that process."

Max Hill QC,

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP 2012-2018)

"TAG and the Toolkits are an invaluable resource for judges and practitioners, they help us all ensure that vulnerable witnesses are treated fairly and are able to give evidence."

HHJ Anuja Dhir KC

"The Advocate’s Gateway is informative, practical and evidence-based and is an essential resource for lawyers, witness intermediaries and anyone in the justice system who takes their role of working with children and vulnerable adults seriously."
Marita O’Connell,

Assistant Director – Client Liaison

 Intermediary Liaison Team, Tasmania



Chair of TAG


David Wurtzel

Case Note Editor


Charlotte Orrell

Committee Member


Leslie Cuthbert

Vice-Chair of TAG


Sally Penni MBE

Committee Member


Mark Thomas

Committee Member


Linda Hunting

Secretary of TAG


Dr Michelle Mattison

Committee Member

Advisory Board

We would like to share our thanks with the members of our Advisory Board who ensure our Toolkits and resources are up-to-date, relevant and accessible to all users.

Our thanks go to:

  • Felicity Gerry KC

  • Gilly Jones KC

  • Paul Jarvis (KBW CHambers)

  • Ian Kelcey (The Law Society)

  • Tim Parker (Family Law Bar Association)

  • Vicky Purtill (CILEx Regulation)

  • Jenny Talbot (Prison Reform Trust)

  • Catherine Tempest (Ministry of Justice)

  • Professor Cheryl Thomas KC (Hon)

Material on this website is for educational purposes only, nothing on this site should be construed as legal advice.

© 2012-2024 - The Advocate’s Gateway 

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